Repair, installation and commissioning
Repair, installation and start-up
Supply of spare parts for the maritime and land-based sectors

Naval Sector
Repair, maintenance and commissioning for: Engines, Transmissions, Thrusters, Deck machinery, Rudders and Auxiliary machinery for the engine room
Industrial sector
Repair and maintenance in power generation and cogeneration plants, transformer industry, transport (railways, heavy machinery), etc
spare parts service
We offer supplies of all kind of mechanical spare parts, hydraulics, pneumatics, etc… as well as selling reconditioned equipment with warranties
Study and analysis techniques and processes aimed at optimising mechanical and energy efficiency performance and solutions.
With more than 25 years of experience, the company has established the quality of its own brand through an integrated mechanical repair and maintenance service, technical and energy optimisation, as well as a conscious commitment to the development of new techniques and technologies focused on offering intelligent and innovative solutions to the sector.
Coterena offers integral repair systems as well as support and assistance for the main industrial brands in the sectors in which it operates. Coterena offers its own Technical Office and a specific department for Monitoring and Analysis, both focused on offering solutions as well as mechanical and energetic optimisation studies.
Through this access you can access the Coterena Shop website, our warehouse where you will find a list of spare parts for the marine and industrial sector. There you will be able to ask for advice when buying, selling or reconditioning equipment.
...a global company engaged with local development

Countdown to Navalia 2022
After the success of its last edition and after the break caused by Covid-19, Navalia
Monitoring Department
The T+i (Technology and Innovation) services provided by COTERENA’s Monitoring Department are based on achieving non-invasive processes that enable the study and comprehension of the equipment tested without operational loss, improving performance and delivering solutions for mechanical and energy efficiency and effectiveness.
Power Measuring
NOX Measurement
Vibration Study
Noise analysis
Laser Alignment
Industrial videoscopy
Energetic Efficiency
JackLoad Test

ARGOS monitoring
ARGOS is a monitoring and recording system for navigation parameters and mechanical and energy equipment on ships, such as:
- Propulsion system (effective power, fuel consumption and operating parameters of Main Engines).
- Auxiliary generators (fuel consumption, electrical power, auxiliary engine parameters).
- Creation and study of navigation histories
- Temperatures (cold modules, holds and freezing tunnels).
- Bunkering, etc…

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