Environmental and Energy Efficiency
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Environmental and Energy Efficiency
The Energy Efficiency verification study aims to define and set the optimum operating point of an installation. During a specific Sea Trial, a comprehensive study of the propulsion system is performed, establishing the optimum working points according to different navigation situations.
This technique is complemented by a gas emissions test (NOx, CO2, etc.) in conformity with Annex VI of the Marpol protocol. This study, in combination with the propulsion system power tests, not only determines the optimum navigation points according to operating modes, but also allows us to establish the emission ranges for each situation, obtaining both a verification according to institutional indicators (EEOI-SEEMP, SNV…) and the efficiency of a vessel’s combustion.
There is currently a collective effort led by national and international institutions (UN, IMO, EU, state governments) in the fight to reduce the environmental footprint of the international fleet.
Since 2013, the IMO, in agreement with the member states, has approved the mandatory emissions register, with the creation of an Energy Efficiency Certificate (SEEMP) and the addition of a common indicator to measure the Energy Efficiency of the international fleet.
On the other hand, the EU has developed its own emissions monitoring system (VMS), specifically, the CO2 register emitted by vessels of more than 5,000GT. This imposed initiative since 19 September 2017, will gradually be extended to smaller vessels, so that in the coming years, this indicator is expected to be incorporated to the rest of the fleet.
Coterena has sought to develop tools (ARGOS) that allow automation to calculate and permanently record environmental indicators ( along with the issuance of Emission Reports, review and update of SEEMPs). This will reduce the administrative burden on the on-board staff and offer automated solutions for the management of the international fleet’s emission reduction strategy.

Due to the approval and implementation of the International Convention for the Control and Management of Ballast Water (BWM) since 8 September 2017, Coterena provides a comprehensive ballast water management service. This includes the preparation of the Ballast Water Management Plan, the acquisition and installation of equipment (resizing of installations for ships in activity and new construction), its maintenance and management of the official certification process.