COTERENA implements a Quality, Environmental and Health and Safety Management System, in accordance with the UNE-EN-ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and ISO 45001 standards, in order to achieve customer satisfaction, care for the environment and the health and safety of its workers, identifying and integrating their necessities in the development of its activities:
-Installation, repair, maintenance and transformation operations of internal combustion engines and other mechanical, hydraulic and pneumatic equipment on land or marine sites.
-Spare parts purchase and sale.
-Providing power and emissions monitoring services; data processing for energy and mechanical efficiency; recording of structural and rotating element noise and vibrations.
Our Quality System is part of our value proposition, based on a model of sustainable and sustained growth in four pillars: Know How, Integral Service, Technology (R&D) and Brand Leaders Representation.

The company is currently recognized as a Lloyd’s Service Supplier, certified by RINA for NOx measurement on ships (Marpol, an VI, 6.3) along with ISO 14001, ISO 9001, ISO 27001 and OHSAS 45001 quality systems.

Our Quality System is conceived as a guide for the continuous improvement of our value proposition based on ethics and responsibility. We are aware of the difficulties we are facing operating in a globalized and changing environment and at the same time considering that uncertainty offers opportunities for growth. Changes are currently taking place in our sector and we can benefit from them by being more competitive in production and offering innovative products, due to our capacity to create by exploiting our potential in production, sales, logistics and R+D+i.
Our conviction is based on the belief that we have a real opportunity to improve our market position and feel proud of the services we provide to our customers, the working conditions we offer and the wealth we generate for our immediate environment.
Our system has been reviewed and revised, resulting in a growth model articulated in a Strategic Plan structured in Results (Safety, Diversification, Management, Involvement, Positioning, Productivity), Strategies (Financial, Expansion, Innovation, Renewal, Motivation, Marketing, Logistics) and Projects, with a five-year development horizon.
In order to strengthen and deepen our commitment to the stakeholders within our organization and make them participants in it, COTERENA has set out in a public document the set of rules and general principles of corporate behavior and professional conduct, our Code of Ethics, aligned with the Mission, Vision and Values of the organization.