ARGOS Auxiliary Engine Module
Auxiliary engines consumption
The control of fuel consumption of auxiliary equipment, combined with the consumption readings of the main engine, offers a comprehensive and accurate overview of the ship’s fuel consumption (circle of relationship, generation-consumers).
A separate reading of the consumers and generators allows a specific understanding of the operation of the equipment, creating indicators for the development of an operating strategy suitable for each vessel type ( per mode of operation and energy use/generation).
Auxiliary engine parameters
The Auxiliary Engine Parameters Module includes reading and recording of:
- Charge air pressure
- Charge air temperature
- Exhaust gas temperature after turbocharging
Electrical power
ARGOS can integrate network analysers into the system. Their recording improves the understanding and relationship of electrical power data with consumption data or demanded power (in the case of tail alternators or auxiliary generators).

Integrated and scalable modules
Argos offers a series of configurable modules according to the customer’s needs. The system is subdivided into 3 main categories:
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